The Journal Dedicated to Capacity Building in Taxonomy and Collection Management
About Abc Taxa
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Codes of nomenclature
Tools of interest to authors and referees
About Abc Taxa
How to contribute
As an author
As a peer reviewer
Sister journals
Codes of nomenclature
Tools of interest to authors and referees
Champignons comestibles d’Afrique de l’Ouest
Esponjas marinas y de agua dulce del Perú
Marine and Freshwater Sponges from Peru - Identification Guide
The Bumblebees of the Himalaya, An Identification Guide
Taxonomie du genre Craterispermum Benth en Afrique continentale
Field guide tot the brittle and basket start of South Africa
A Guide to the Parasites of African Freshwater Fishes
Champignons comestibles du Haut-Katanga
Diatoms from the Congo and Zambezi Basins
The sawflies of Namibia and western South Africa
Liverworts and Hornworts of Rwanda
Bréviaire de taxonomie des acariens
Guide taxonomique des oligochètes dulçaquicoles du Maghreb
Naturalised and invasive succulents of southern Africa
Les champignons comestibles de l'Afrique centrale
Les genres et sous-genres d'abeilles de l'Afrique subsaharienne
Manual on Field Recording Techniques and Protocols for All Taxa Biodiversity Inventories
The Bee Genera and Subgenera of sub-Saharan Africa
Sri Lankan Seaweeds
Introduction to the taxonomy of the amphibians of Kaieteur National Park, Guyana
Guia taxonomica de los anfibios de Cuba
Taxonomy of Cryptocarya species of Brazil
Détérioration des collections de coquilles
Taxonomie des holothuries des Comores